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Thursday, March 27, 2014

How To Make Money Online Writing Ads


How To Make Money Online Writing Ads

How To Make Money Online Writing Ads

03.05.2014 · Posted in Freelance Jobs, Making Money Online
BoostCTR is a website where freelance writers and copywriters can start making money online for free writing ads.  Every internet user sees ads everyday at least several times. Whenever they go to a website on many websites and blogs online they see these block of text placed there. When you become member of BoostCTR you will be making money writing ads just like those you see every day. BoostCTR is place where their clients outsource the work of writing these ads for their marketing campaign.
First of all before you start making money you need to sign up. To do that go their homepage,  click on “Ad Writer Sign Up”and fill out an application. Before being able to write ads you will need to take a short test to assess your skills. You will basically be given two ads which you will need to read and pick the one you think will win in the contest and write why you think the ad you picked will win the competition.  It is advisable to be as much elaborate as possible in your explanation why you picked the particular ad.
It is best before you begin working to go through the literature that is provided by BoostCTR for the writers. There is a lot of literature provided and if you are not sure about  how things work you should check it out
There are two ways you can earn writing ads on BoostCTR. You can begin working on instant pay ads or enter ad writing contest. Instant pay ads pay around $4 but much more profitable is if you  participate in ad writing contests. Ad writing contests are posted by people or companies who wish to improve the performance of their PPC ads. By participating in writing contests you can make as much as $25 or $45). The objective is to write an ad that will perform better than the competitive ad. If your ad performs better  than the competition you will be paid.
Before you start writing your ad read through the guidelines so that you understand very well what is demanded or  your ads might be rejected. Advertisers also have the option to reject, modify or accept your ads. If advertisers like your work then they can invite you to participate in private challenges which are paid more than regular contests. This is one more reason to do your best when you write ads.
Writing great ad copy is not easy but if you are capable of writing well performing ads than you can make a nice sum of money writing ads on BoostCTR.  Further more, freelance writers that write ads for BoostCTR have a flexible work schedule and can choose their own work hours. Your will receive your BoostCTR earnings in your Paypal account.


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